Publicado: 2019.01.03. Gold is the king of metals

Gold is the king of metals - Vista previa

Gold appeared on our planet from the very beginning of its formation. Yellow precious metal is found on every continent. Many experts call gold "the king of metals". Throughout the history of mankind, gold has always played an important role, its value has been recognized by all the peoples of the world.


For example, the Sumerians civilization used gold in the 5th century BC. as decoration and during religious ceremonies. The ancient Egyptians were known for their wealth and produced a large amount of yellow precious metal. They owned the art of cleaning gold from impurities of other metals. The Sumerians and the Egyptians used gold primarily as an ornament, and not as a means of payment.


Only a few generations later, the Egyptian kings began to use gold for minting coins. The first known issue of gold coins in history as a means of payment was recorded in 560-546. to r.H. in the territory of the kingdom of Lydia, which was located in the west of modern Turkey. The emblem of the king was struck on the coins, they were standardized and accepted as money in many countries of the world.