Publicado: 2020.06.15. What does the “color revolution” in America promise gold and markets?

What does the “color revolution” in America promise gold and markets? - Vista previa

Last week, the victorious rally of the American stock market with the panicky March bottoms finally ended - and the notorious and expected “second wave” of downward correction began. From March 23 to June 8, the stock index of 500 American companies S & P500 grew by almost 50%, from $ 2,185 to $ 3,230 - first on the liquidity injections from the Fed, then on the (greatly overestimated) hopes for economic recovery after quarantines are lifted. The recovery is still quite sluggish - due to an understandable fall in consumer demand and sentiment. Moreover, this summer is expected to be completely disastrous for a number of global industries - such as tourism and international passenger traffic. To a lesser extent, but rather strongly affected all sectors, one way or another suggesting intense social ties.
However, since the beginning of last week, the index began to fall again - and has already fallen by a rather significant 7% from $ 3,230 to $ 3,000. Along with the fall of the US stock index, a wave of “risk aversion” swept across the markets - a drop in commodity prices and currencies / assets of developing countries - including the ruble. Obviously, the air smelled of change and the trend changed.
The main reason for this fall, in our opinion, was a wave of protests, pogroms and the overthrow of monuments that swept through the streets of American cities. Of course, quarantine and a drop in people's incomes by tens of percent sooner or later should lead to political destabilization
But we have every reason to believe that the wave of unrest in the streets of American (and now not only!) Cities is by no means spontaneous. There are too many "chips" previously used and used in other color revolutions. "Sacred sacrifice", the overthrow of monuments, the seizure of buildings, speech "Who is the power here? We are the power here! ” (Doesn’t it remind me of anything?), and even the visual symbol of a clenched fist is the former emblem of youth movements around the world, including Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and Arab countries.