게시됨: 2021.07.26. PF Europe wants to invest in gold

PF Europe wants to invest in gold - 보기

The interviewed respondents gave the following reasons why they plan to increase their gold reserves:
1) 73% said gold is an excellent asset for diversifying their investment portfolio;
2) 71% agreed that the precious metal is insurance against the devaluation of the US dollar;
3) 67% of respondents store gold as a protection against inflation;
4) 13% want to buy gold, because fundamental data indicate a further rise in the value of the yellow precious metal.
Pension funds in Europe are interested in investing part of their capital in gold also due to the fact that there are now a large number of ETFs on the market, the shares of which are backed by a physical precious metal. Buying such shares is perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to invest in precious metals for all groups of investors, since there is no need to store physical gold.